Filip Hodas is digital artist from Prague, Czech Republic. In his work Filip balances on the edge of reality and fiction through very elaborate 3D renderings. In 2015 he started a daily render project that lasted for over 400 days and helped him establish sizeable following online.

His artworks accumulated over 600 thousand fans across the globe and opened the door to collaborations with many international brands like Adidas, Apple or Samsung and artists like Jean-Michel Jarre. Throughout Filip's career several of his renderings became viral and made front pages of numerous sites and social networks. His works were exhibited in galleries in Paris and even in London's Tate Modern during an Instagram event. Filip's most popular series 'Pop Culture Dystopia' envisions decaying pop culture icons in desolate post-apocalyptic worlds. In 2020 he followed with a series 'Cartoon Fossils' depicting realistic skulls of cartoon characters from his childhood.